Abby Derick


My educational background…
MLA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst

I'm from
Southern New Hampshire

In my spare time…
I love hiking, skiing, running, and started biking. Basically, I can be found heading north to the woods on most free weekends.

My favorite local restaurants are…
Salty Pig

My favorite park is…
Probably always Prospect Park because it was where I started gardening

My favorite authors are…
Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, Octavia Butler, N.K. Jemison, and prety much any sci-fi.

Early bird or night owl?
Night Owl

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
I wanted to be a spy… I really loved the show Alias!

Fun Fact:
I used to host bar trivia when I lived in Brooklyn. The trivia was about specific tv shows and I wrote questions for Buffy, Bob’s Burgers, and Archer.