Emily Bannister


My educational background…
BA in English and Journalism from the University of Iowa

I'm from…
Bridgewater, Mass

My earliest design memory is…
Creating my own graphics in The Print Shop on my Apple IIGS when I was 8

A place that has affected me is…
Dowses Beach on Cape Cod

On my playlist is…
Back on the Train by Phish

In my spare time…
Reading and wandering aimlessly around The Container Store

My favorite food is…
Veggie bowls and Tillamook Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream

My favorite local restaurants are…
Night Shift Lovejoy for the Detroit-style pizza, rosemary truffle fries, and beer.

My favorite show/movie/book is…
Show: The Golden Girls

Early bird or night owl?
Night Owl

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
A zoologist, TV sitcom screenwriter, and Mrs. Joey McIntyre

A fun fact about me…
I was adopted, and several years ago I discovered that my biological parents had a second child 16 months after me that they also put up for adoption at birth. I was connected with my biological brother recently, and amazingly it turned out that we were both adopted by families with the last name Mason.