Emily Hunt


My educational background…
BS in Anthropology from the University of Wisconsin; and MLA from the University of Georgia.

I'm from…
Monona, Wisconsin

In my spare time…Reading, cooking, deadlifting, and spin

My favorite food is…
Chocolate Chip Cookies

My favorite local restaurants are…

My favorite show/movie/book is…

(book) The Inheritence Trilogy by NK Jemisin or anything by Neil Gaiman
(movie) The Royal Tenenbaums
(show) Parks and Rec, Derry Girls, Great British Bake Off

Early bird or night owl?
Early Bird (mostly due to my 9 pound dog)

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
Marine biologist or chef

Fun Fact
I used to design and craft tiny outfits for my pet chickens on my parent’s farm in Wisconsin