Michael MacNulty


My educational background…
BSLA from Purdue University.

I'm from…
Carmel, Indiana

Why Copley Wolff?
I initially was drawn toward Copley Wolff after looking through the firm's project portfolio and seeing that the firm worked on many types of projects that ignite my passion for landscape architecture and design. Since joining the firm, I've grown to admire our collaborative office culture in which my colleagues and I inspire each other to improve our craft and grow professionally, as well as our strong sense of community and fun.

I’m drawn to design because…
I want to help create spaces that improve people's lives, whether it be a lush and vast nature preserve where people go to relax and rejuvenate, or a compact urban roof deck where friends can meet up and spend time together.

My earliest design memory is…
When I was young, I would carry around a sketchbook and draw maps and floorplans of places I went. I've always been curious about how designed spaces interact, so I liked to try and figure out how places connected to one another and how these spaces fit together to create the big picture through my sketches.

A place that has affected me is…
Hestercombe Gardens in Somerset, England. The property houses beautiful naturalistic and formal gardens in equal measure, and exploring the landscape was such a memorable, adventurous experience.

On my playlist is…
most of Fleetwood Mac's discography

In my spare time…
I take care of my house plants, exercise, and spend time outside, ideally on a beach!

My favorite food is…
Potatoes in any form. Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew, you name it, I love it.

My favorite local restaurants are…
The Boston Public Market! The perfect lunch spot with plenty of options

My favorite park is…
Bryant Park, NYC. A perfect example of the idea that sometimes the most impactful designs aren't the most complicated ones.

My favorite show/movie/book is…
Baby Driver (movie)

Early bird or night owl?
Night Owl

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
architect, artist, or a pilot. I like to think I combined two out of the three in the end!

A fun fact about me…
I have over 40 houseplants! It's a hobby, not a problem, I promise