Molly Wimberg


My educational background…
BS in Landscape Architecture from Purdue University

I'm from…
Cincinnati, Ohio

Why Copley Wolff?
There’s so much excitement and passion for developing really insightful and beneficial landscape architectural work. The more experienced designers offer a strong guiding hand when it comes to allowing incoming landscape designers to grow and flourish in the industry.

I’m drawn to design because…
I’m eager to make people excited about their community and appreciate their external environments. Design that’s intentional and helpful for the people who live there while healthy and productive for the ecological factors of the environment draws me in.

My earliest design memory is…
Taking walks with my family in different Cincinnati neighborhoods and becoming so enamored with the various outdoor spaces. I began to witness how people enjoyed these spaces and I too wanted my neighborhood park to become my sanctuary.

A place that has affected me is…
The natural beauty and calmness of Iceland. I felt so in touch with this landscape and the people possess so much intuition for the natural processes that define it.

On my playlist is…
A lot of Adele and The Beatles

My favorite food is…
Avocado Toast…. the item I’m probably ordering at a restaurant!

My favorite local restaurants are…
Pagluica’s (North End) and Saltie Girl (Back Bay)

My favorite park is…
Ault Park in Cincinnati. My childhood labyrinth that never gets old.

Early bird or night owl?
Night Owl

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a…
I always wanted to be an architect, but then I learned about landscape architecture and realized that it was way cooler.

Fun Fact:
I love thrifting and antiquing and my dream for when I’m retired is to own an antique shop.

Project that I’m proud of…
Creating an illustrative children’s book related to plant biomes and biodiversity with fellow students at Purdue.